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Fatou Bensouda was in kenya just the other day. According to his words, she came to assure Kenyans on the long awaited justice at the Hague (ICC). she said that “… Kenya is not on trial,  no community is on trial…. only individuals believed to hold the greatest responsibility in the 1007/2008 post election violence. Yeah! I agree with that but let us think of the following:

1) Whose justice is the ICC persuing/who were the victims?

2) What are the victims saing about the cases?

3) Were there convincing investigations towards unerthing of the culprits, who were questioned?

4) Do we really believw that we can get justice/ they can get justice.

5) What was the role of the two principals (50/50) was it 50/50 even during the post election violence?

6) What was  your role/ our role as kenyans in general as far as this dark hour is concerned?

7) Are we ready for cohension and reconciliatian and total forgiveness?

8) …………..

    The number of querris might increase to a maximum number as you think of it but we must THINK BIG WE AS KENYANS FOR THE SAKE OF OUR GREAT NATION. IT IS TIME TO THINK……



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